Inside the Winner's System

The following is the User Center in our Winning portal- your Invitation Code, Total Number of Invitees, Total Game Earnings, Total Bets and all other key data.

When a newly registered user joins WinGoal, his role is a Player by default. He cannot see the -Invite- tab.

The following is the -Organization- page under the -Invite- tab.

It shows all your invitees, their UIDs and earnings / rollover in-game!

Promoting a Player to a Winner by clicking the ✏️ button next to the Player, in the Identity column.

The promotion process is irreversible! Promote your invitees with care.

Apart from the -Organization- page, check out our -Ranking- page for Winning Leaders!

Let us know in our Discord Channel if you face any difficulties in using our Winning portal!

Last updated