Ep7: $MLS

Anon: ...And the M-L-S that you talked about all the time? What is that?Sounds like an AI just like you, G-P-T!


  • $MLS is the governance token across Metaland.

  • The supply of $MLS is limited to 200,000,000 issued since IEO.

  • $MLS reflects the core value of its community. Holders of $MLS will have community governance rights and enjoy future benefits with the development of Metaland.

Anon: What are the use-cases for $MLS, exactly?

ChatGPT: A LOT. Hold, Stake, Consume...

  • Hold $MLS to participate in monthly draws

  • Hold sufficient $MLS to obtain voting rights

  • Staking - Earn $USDT rewards

  • Stake sufficent $MLS to earn community dividends

  • Consume $MLS to participate in tournaments

Last updated