Cup Series

Two ways to participate in Cup Series:

1. Listed Entries

Basically offline battles with playbacks. NFTs level do not matter but star ratings and rarities do matter.

A match will last for 10 minutes, a total of 7 matches will be completed in 60 minutes (the 7th match result is almost spontaneously generated).

Entry requirements

  • Listed Entries Championship will be available once every 2 hours. 8 teams will be selected to intiate a round.

  • Selection process is based on criterias to equalize as much as possible between the contestants.

  • Each player will need to spend 10 $WT in order to be listed.

  • 11 NFTs characters will be needed in order to participate (hence players cannot use their non-NFTs)


The prize pool in $WT will be derived partially from the stakes made by players, while the remaining will be minted in-game.

2. Staked Predictions on Cup Series

All players are able to partcipate in Cup Series Predictions as they wish. Predictions on Cup Series will base on National Team and depends on International Rankings.

Entry Requirements

There is an 1-hour slot in preparation time where players can participate in the Prediction. Minimum stakes are required.

Fixed Odds Multipliers and Rewards

Multipliers are set with fixed odds. (Previously Dynamic Multipliers)

Last updated