

  • Players can obtain gems by consuming WT to improve their attributes.

  • At certain moments, players can use gems to pass league matches, ranking matches and other competitions.


  • Players can decompose gems and get back the same amount of $WT, therefore no wastage on gems and $WT invested.

  • Characters in different positions (Front/Center/Back) in the team have their corresponding gems.

  • Characters can use gems according to the needs of the lineup to get higher attributes.

  • Gems have different levels and players can synthesize gems.

For example: two level 1 gems can be used to synthesize a level 2 gem. The synthesis has a very low probability of failure. When it succeeds, the attributes will be greatly improved, and your earnings potential will also be increased.

In the case of failure: When a player uses two level 2 gems to synthesize, there is also a small probability of a lower level gem being synthesized. If the synthesis fails, your gems will either explode and disappear, or they will remain level 2 gems.

Last updated